Delhi NCR will soon get 3 radars and 180 automatic weather forecasting systems, said Union Minister Jitendra Singh. He also said that 2 radars are now in Mumbai, with 4 more planned. In Chennai, there are 3 radars already, and 1 more will be set up in Kolkata.
The weather and rain forecasting system in Delhi will be improved, including 50 new automatic forecast centers, according to Minister Jitendra Singh. He spoke about this at a meeting with India Meteorological Department (IMD) Director General Mrityunjay Mohapatra and other officials in Delhi on July 8.
"We will do everything to make the forecast system easy for people to use. This will help citizens live comfortably and save workdays and money from unexpected weather changes," said Singh.
The minister also mentioned that a high-performance computing (HPC) system with 20 petaflops capacity will be installed. Along with this, 50 new automatic weather forecast centers (AWS) will be built in the state, eventually reaching up to 100. Right now, there are 17 forecast centers.
"This upgrade will not only happen in big cities but also in cities with more than 1 million people and even in smaller towns and remote areas," said the minister.
Singh added that the weather department is starting a major upgrade with advanced weather prediction models using long period average (LPA) data.