After the accident in Old Rajendra Nagar, authorities have become stricter with safety rules. Coaching centers that don't follow these rules or lack necessary permits are now being shut down. Recently, the Drishti Coaching Center in Vardhman Mall, Mukherjee Nagar, was closed. This center, located in the mall's basement, was found to be unsafe.
Drishti Coaching Center had five classes happening at once in the basement. After the Rajendra Nagar accident, the authorities began inspecting coaching centers. They found that Drishti Coaching Center was in a dangerous location with issues like a power plant and sewerage system near the classrooms, posing risks like methane gas leaks.
As a result, the center was sealed. In other areas, like Prahladpur in South East Delhi, coaching centers running in basements were also closed, and students were evacuated quickly. The MCD has now instructed that coaching centers must get all necessary safety permits and cannot hold classes in basements. Coaching centers on the first floor must have two ways to enter and exit and must ensure proper drainage and fire safety.
If a coaching center reopens without meeting these safety requirements, the authorities will file a police report against the center's owner and the building owner, and the building will be sealed again.