After the tragic drowning of three IAS aspirants at Rau’s IAS study centre in Old Rajinder Nagar, the Delhi Government plans to move coaching centers to Narela and Rohini to create an education hub. This shift aims to ensure better safety and infrastructure.
Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has set up a high-level committee led by the Chief Secretary to regulate coaching centers. This committee will develop a plan to move these institutes to well-planned areas. The Delhi Police will crack down on coaching centers that avoid taxes through cash transactions. Additionally, a new portal will track coaching institutes and students to improve transparency and help the government with future planning.
During ongoing protests by IAS aspirants against coaching centers and authorities, Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) Additional Commissioner Tariq Thomas acknowledged the civic body's role in the students' deaths. He admitted that structural issues need urgent attention.
Students who were on hunger strike ended their protest after meeting Thomas. The Raj Niwas officials stated that coaching institutes will compensate the victims' families and offer fee discounts to affected students. Short-term measures include providing reading spaces in other floors of coaching buildings and ensuring that basements used for teaching are closed.
The committee will address issues such as high rental costs, fire safety, and lack of proper facilities in coaching centers. It will also work on guidelines to prevent future problems. Officials will consult with the Fire department and the police to ensure better safety and support for students. The goal is to create a safer and more organized environment for education.