Samajwadi Party MP Jaya Bachchan was unhappy when Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar used her full name, Jaya Amitabh Bachchan, during a session. She said it felt like a new "drama" and she preferred to be addressed simply as Jaya Bachchan. She was upset about being identified by her husband's name, feeling it undermined her own identity.
Dhankhar replied that the name used is based on the election certificate, but there is a way to change it if needed. He also mentioned that the whole country is proud of Amitabh Bachchan's achievements.
Jaya Bachchan also questioned why Union Minister Manohar Lal Khattar didn't include his wife's name with his own, to which Khattar humorously replied that he is unmarried.
During the session, Jaya Bachchan asked about the condition of Gurgaon, questioning why it was experiencing waterlogging if it was declared a smart city. Khattar clarified that Gurgaon is not on the smart city list and assured that the issue would be looked into. He noted that heavy rainfall can cause such problems and highlighted that Gurgaon hosts many Fortune 500 companies.