Armaan Malik has been a topic of intense online discussion lately due to his two marriages. Recently, a video surfaced showing him being intimate with his second wife, Kritika Malik, on the reality show Bigg Boss OTT 3. This video quickly went viral, sparking widespread reactions from the public. Armaan's first wife, Payal Malik, has strongly disputed the authenticity of the video. She claims it is fake and edited.
In her vlog, Payal addressed the viral video, stating that it does not match the decor and details of the Bigg Boss house, suggesting that it has been manipulated. She has pleaded with people to stop sharing the video, emphasizing that those who have been inside the Bigg Boss house would easily recognize the discrepancies and realize that the clip is not genuine.
The video showing Armaan and Kritika getting close under a blanket has stirred significant controversy. Many viewers have taken to social media to express their shock and disapproval. One user tweeted, "I can't believe what I just saw. This is crossing the line for a reality show." Another criticized the show, stating, "Armaan Malik and Kritika crossed all the limits in #BiggBossOTT3 house. They were caught doing inappropriate things. Bigg Boss, what filth are you promoting? Shame on you @BiggBoss. Bigg Boss OTT is an obscene show."
Amidst all this, Payal has decided to end her marriage with Armaan. In her vlog, she expressed frustration with the ongoing drama and the negative impact it is having on her children. She stated, "I am done with the drama and the hate. As long as it was about me, I was okay, but now the hate is coming to my kids. This is so shocking and disgusting. I have decided to part ways with Armaan for the same reason. He can stay with Kritika while I’ll take care of the kids."