Virat Kohli, one of the most famous cricketers ever, became a big topic on social media after Indian spinner Amit Mishra shared some interesting stories from the Indian Premier League. Mishra, who plays for Lucknow Super Giants, said that Kohli has changed a lot over the years because of "fame and power." This sparked a big discussion online. Meanwhile, Punjab Kings player Shashank Singh shared a touching story about his meeting with Kohli, showing Kohli's true character.
In an interview, Shashank said that after an IPL match, Kohli stood with him for 40 minutes talking about cricket. This kind act meant a lot to Shashank.
"He was standing, I was standing. We stood for 40 minutes. I didn’t even notice the time passing," Shashank Singh told InsideSport.
"Our team meeting was at 12:45. It was 12:40, and I didn’t realize how fast time flew as we talked about cricket, techniques, shots, and mental focus," he added.
"The way he was answering felt encouraging, like he was one of our Chhattisgarh players. He was so friendly, helping me understand. It felt really nice to talk to him," he added.
Earlier, Mishra had compared Kohli to Rohit Sharma, saying Rohit has stayed the same over the years, but Kohli has changed a lot because of the 'fame and power' he gained.
"I have seen Virat change a lot. We almost stopped talking. When you get fame and power, people think others are reaching out for a reason. I was never like that. I have known Cheeku (Kohli's nickname) since he was 14, when he used to eat samosas and wanted pizza every night. But there's a huge difference between the Cheeku I knew and Virat Kohli the captain," Mishra said in a podcast.