On Monday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced the creation of five new districts in Ladakh. This decision is part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plan to develop and improve Ladakh. The new districts will be Zanskar, Drass, Sham, Nubra, and Changthang. Shah believes these new districts will help bring government services closer to people and improve local governance.
Current Situation
Ladakh is a large area with just two existing districts, Leh and Kargil. It is one of India's least populated and most remote regions, which makes it hard for the government to deliver services effectively. The new districts are expected to make it easier for government programs and services to reach people in these remote areas.
Next Steps
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has given initial approval for the new districts and asked the Ladakh administration to form a committee. This committee will look into details like the location of district headquarters, boundaries, and staffing needs. The Ladakh administration has three months to submit their report to the MHA.
Historical Context
Ladakh became a Union Territory (UT) on August 5, 2019, after the state of Jammu and Kashmir was divided into two UTs. This change followed the removal of Article 370, which had given special status to the former state. Since then, Ladakh has been directly managed by the Union Home Ministry.
Future Prospects
Prime Minister Modi praised the creation of these new districts, saying it will lead to better governance and more opportunities for the people of Ladakh. He highlighted that the new districts will help bring government services and opportunities closer to residents.
Development Initiatives
The government has also launched a Prime Minister Development Package (PMDP) that includes 63 projects worth over Rs 80,000 crore for the development of Jammu and Kashmir. Out of these, nine projects worth about Rs 21,000 crore are specifically for Ladakh. Additionally, the annual budget for Ladakh’s development has been significantly increased, and the Sindhu Infrastructure Development Corporation (SIDCO) has been established to promote infrastructure and industrial growth.