After Rohit Sharma retired from T20 cricket, India's cricket team faces a decision. They must choose between making Hardik Pandya, the vice-captain, the new captain, or giving the job to Suryakumar Yadav, a top batsman. This choice needs to be made quickly because India will soon play three T20 matches against Sri Lanka. This series will also be the debut for their new coach, Gautam Gambhir, a former Indian opener. After the T20 matches, India will play three one-day international (ODI) games.
Hardik Pandya seemed like a natural choice after his important role in India's win against South Africa last year. However, concerns about his fitness have made some consider Suryakumar Yadav instead. Gambhir's opinion will also play a big part as the BCCI officials and selectors decide who will replace Rohit.
Earlier, the national selectors had planned to make Pandya the captain after India's disappointment in the 2022 T20 World Cup under Rohit. But Pandya's frequent injuries changed their minds. When Ajit Agarkar's selection committee took charge, they chose Rohit again as captain for the T20 World Cup. After the ODI World Cup, when Pandya was still recovering and Rohit was resting, Suryakumar successfully led the national T20 team.
"It's a tricky situation. People have arguments on both sides of the debate, so there isn't a consensus. Hardik's fitness is a concern, but he played a big role in India's recent ICC victories. On the other hand, feedback from the team suggests they liked Suryakumar's leadership," said a source from the BCCI involved in making the decision.
Interestingly, earlier this year, Suryakumar also had surgery for a hernia and ankle issues. He only returned to cricket during the IPL in March-May. Board decision-makers think Pandya could be the best choice because he was already vice-captain during the World Cup.