The Indian government is investigating the messaging app Telegram. The concern is that some people might be using the app for illegal activities, like extortion and gambling. Depending on what the investigation finds, Telegram could potentially be banned in India.
Who is Investigating?
The investigation is being conducted by the Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), which is a part of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) is also involved in this investigation.
Why is This Happening?
The investigation started after Telegram's founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, was arrested in Paris on August 24. He was accused of not doing enough to stop criminal activities on Telegram. Tech personalities like Elon Musk and Edward Snowden have criticized Durov's arrest.
Will Telegram Be Banned in India?
It is not yet clear if Telegram will be banned. The final decision will depend on the results of the investigation. Telegram currently follows India’s Information Technology (IT) Rules, which include requirements like appointing a nodal officer, a chief compliance officer, and publishing monthly compliance reports.