The Karnataka Cabinet has approved a new plan to change how Bengaluru, the capital city, is managed. The plan, called the Greater Bengaluru Governance Bill, 2024, will split the city into five zones and create a new organization named the Greater Bengaluru Authority (GBA). This new authority will have more power for planning and managing money.
The new setup will have three levels of government:
- 1The Chief Minister at the top.
- Municipal corporations for each zone.
- Ward committees for local areas.
The Chief Minister and the Bengaluru Development minister will lead this new system.
The opposition party, BJP, thinks the current system, which they set up, is better. They recall past attempts to change Bengaluru's administration, including a failed proposal to divide the city into three parts.
In the past four years, there haven't been any local elections in Bengaluru, leading to ongoing legal issues about how the city is governed.