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NASA's Model Shows How Carbon Dioxide Moves Across India and Affects the Climate

Supercomputers combine billions of data points to create a map that's 100 times more detailed than usual weather models.

NASA's Model Shows How Carbon Dioxide Moves Across India and Affects the Climate
Source: India Today

NASA has made a new, super-detailed model that shows how carbon dioxide (CO2) moves around the world, including over India. This model, made using powerful computers and data from satellites and ground measurements, gives a clearer picture of CO2 levels than previous weather models.

From January to March 2020, the model tracked CO2 concentrations and showed where CO2 is coming from. It can zoom in on specific sources like power plants, fires, and cities to show how CO2 spreads across continents and oceans.

Dr. Lesley Ott, a climate scientist, said the model revealed details about CO2 movement and its interaction with weather systems that were not visible before.

The model shows that most CO2 emissions in China, the U.S., and South Asia come from power plants, factories, and cars. In Africa and South America, emissions mostly come from fires related to land use and agriculture.

With CO2 levels rising and 2023 being the hottest year ever recorded, this new model helps us understand and possibly reduce the impact of CO2 on global warming.

Source: India Today

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