A stampede at a 'satsang' in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, killed 121 people. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) said the main reason was overcrowding. The report was made by police officer Anupam Kulshreshtha and Aligarh Divisional Commissioner Chaitra V. It includes statements from 128 witnesses, including police officers at the event. The report was given to the state Home Department and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
Some reports say the godman and his helpers could have stopped the tragedy. The organisers had permission for 80,000 people, but 2.5 lakh people came. Nine people, including main organiser Devprakash Madhukar, have been arrested.
The godman, Narayan Sakar Hari, is not named in the FIR and is hiding. His lawyer, AP Singh, said the godman will cooperate with the investigation and mentioned a possible conspiracy involving poison sprayed at the event.
Police officer Anupam Kulshreshtha said they are looking into the conspiracy, but evidence so far blames the organisers. The stampede happened when followers rushed to collect dust from the godman’s car tyres. His private security guards pushed people, causing some to fall and get trampled. Many ran to the open field and slipped, causing more chaos.
Chief Minister Adityanath promised strict action and did not rule out a conspiracy. A judicial panel is also investigating the stampede.